Source code for well_schematics.plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches as mpatches
from matplotlib import transforms as mtransforms

    "OH": "open hole",
    "open hole": "open hole",
    "open-hole": "open hole",
    "open": "open hole",
    "S": "wirewound screen",
    "screen": "wirewound screen",
    "wirewound screen": "wirewound screen",
    "SC": "slotted casing",
    "slots": "slotted casing",
    "slotted": "slotted casing",
    "slotted casing": "slotted casing",

[docs]def plot_single_diameter_well( segments, ax=None, tight_layout=True, depth_tick_markers=False, pipe_width=0.08, hatch_density=3, ): """Draw casing in a well which is a single diameter construction. Args: segments (sequence of dicts): each dict should be in the form ``{"type": <str>, "top": <float>, "bottom": <float>}``. The "type" should be either "casing", "pipe", "blank", or "sump", or a production zone type (either "screen", "slotted casing" or "open hole"). "top" and "bottom" are the top and bottom of each segment. ax (matplotlib.Axes): to draw in tight_layout (bool): run tight_layout() on ax.figure to rearrange things to fit. depth_tick_markers (bool): show tick markers for the vertical depth axis. Labels will always appear. pipe_width (float): width of pipe hatch_density (int): density of screen hatching Returns: a list of the artists created. """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) t = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transData) patches = [] for segment in segments: seg_type = segment["type"] seg_from = segment["top"] seg_to = segment["bottom"] seg_length = seg_to - seg_from if seg_type in PZONE_MAPPING: seg_type = PZONE_MAPPING[seg_type] if seg_type == "wirewound screen": hatch = "-" * hatch_density elif seg_type == "slotted casing": hatch = "/" * hatch_density seg_left = mpatches.Rectangle( (1 / 4, seg_from), pipe_width * 0.9, seg_length, facecolor="k", fill=False, hatch=hatch, transform=t, ) seg_right = mpatches.Rectangle( (3 / 4 - pipe_width, seg_from), pipe_width * 0.9, seg_length, facecolor="k", fill=False, hatch=hatch, transform=t, ) else: seg_type = "pipe" seg_left = mpatches.Rectangle( (1 / 4, seg_from), pipe_width, seg_length, facecolor="k", transform=t ) seg_right = mpatches.Rectangle( (3 / 4 - pipe_width, seg_from), pipe_width, seg_length, facecolor="k", transform=t, ) patches += [seg_left, seg_right] for patch in patches: ax.add_artist(patch) ax.grid(False) for side in ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"]: ax.spines[side].set_visible(False) if not depth_tick_markers: ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.set_facecolor("white") ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylim( max([s["bottom"] for s in segments]) + 1, min([s["top"] for s in segments]) - 1 ) if tight_layout: ax.figure.tight_layout() return patches